earth day|earth day in English

celebration held on April 22 in order to raise awareness of environmental and conservation issues

Use "earth day|earth day" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "earth day|earth day" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "earth day|earth day", or refer to the context using the word "earth day|earth day" in the English Dictionary.

1. The earth rotates once a day.

2. What events mark Jesus’ final day on earth?

3. Tonight will be your last day on earth!

4. The report is being fittingly delivered on Earth Day.

5. The man-made satellite rounds the earth every day.

6. In Noah’s day, why was the earth “filled with violence”?

7. * See also Beginning; Earth; Jesus Christ; Sabbath Day; Spirit Creation

8. Give A hoot Don't Pollute Shirt Kids Owl Earth Day TShirt

9. During thunderstorms, millions of lightning bolts occur earth wide every day.

10. The rotating earth thus began to have alternating day and night.

11. In Noah’s day, why did God view the earth as ruined?

12. Democrats believe that Earth Day is a special day for them to demagogue and politicize environmental issues.

13. 12 Democrats believe that Earth Day is a special day for them to demagogue and politicize environmental issues.

14. Mimic's Reality(Earth-12)Age of Apocalypse(Earth-295)2099 A.D.(Earth-928)Gambit Condemned(Earth-983)Universe Rex(Earth-1002)N.Y.X.F.(Earth-1030)Father of Man(Earth-1040)Ultimate Universe(Earth-1610)Home to Ultimate Cable(Earth-2107)Beast joined Bishop in gunfight while searching for cure to M-Day(Earth-3112)Marvel Universe:The End(Earth-4321)Days of Future Now(Earth-5700)Sabretooth …

15. Environmentalists celebrate Earth Day, to encourage energy efficiency and deplore ecological waste.

16. Earth day 1990 helped to rekindle the excitement of the green movement.

17. And to God (are) the skies`/space`s and the earth`s/Planet Earth`s ownership/possession , and a day/time the Hour/Resurrection starts , that day, the wasters/Annulers loose

18. And among living things on earth, myriads of miracles are happening every day.

19. A0790 Aerological day Geophysical Day An internationally agreed upon day designated for more detailed or intensive observations of the atmosphere over broad regions of the Earth.

20. One day a discussion came up in class about the overpopulation of the earth.

21. * The Redeemer shall stand at the latter day upon the earth, Job 19:25.

22. 29 We shall one day receive the just reward of our doings on earth.

23. "Banh chung" symbolizes the earth and "banh day" is the icon of the sky.

24. And, they created a new name for their national teach-in event: Earth Day.

25. Catastrophic earth changes on alignment day... preceded by abnormal weather patterns now as stresses build.